Tuning Bodywork is mindful flow of contact that seamlessly integrates massage, movement improvisation, energy work, breathwork and mindfulness. It is an earthy, spontaneous way of meeting which it's integrative approach to somatic discovery and presence, facilitates energetic balance and flow, brings awareness to embodied experience, and tunes the bodymind to find greater space. At it's best it is an engaging, creative, nurturing way to support and develop awareness for both practitioner and recipient. At times it is just a simple way of laying on the floor and allowing the body abandon doing the unnecessary with the assistance of skillful touch.



What to expect: 
You’re willing to explore getting into a calm, inward-focused state, you can stay focused on and report on, move or vocalize your present experiences. This practice is mindful bodywork dance, with cloths on. A single session is typically floor based to allow a wide range of movements, unless you require and provide a table for your certain condition. Long engagement (minimum 8 sessions) with the practice, involves moving in the space and exploring the environment. If you bring a certain mental/emotional/kinnetic theme to the session we might spend sometime exploring that in the beginning verbally and somatically. Otherwise the session is hands on most of the time.